When is UG8 going to take place?
What makes the Underground® different from other events? Is this another "pitch fest"?
How Do You Decide What "Rogue Agents" Will Speak At The Undergound Online Seminar?
How Many Spaces Are Available?
When is UG8 going to take place?
What makes the Underground® different from other events? Is this another "pitch fest"?
How Do You Decide What "Rogue Agents" Will Speak At The Undergound Online Seminar?
How Many Spaces Are Available?
There are four ways to get signed up:
(I strongly suggest FedEx because if you are attendee #425 you will be added to our wait list and your payment will be returned. And we already more 2/3 of the way sold-out just with pre-registrations from last-year!)
March 1-3, 2011
Classified hotel information will be provided only to thos who registered. However, I can tell you our hotel has is one of the absolute best locations in the very seat of power in DC.
Just a quick sidenote on our location…
Washington, DC is especially nice during the Spring so you may want to tack on an extra day or two to your trip. The Nation’s capital is a must-see destination for anyone. From the sprawling monuments, to the famous sites to the historical landmarks to the trendy streets of Georgetown – you will find more than enough to keep you occupied.
Absolutely! We want to ensure you are 100% satisfied so we offer an extremely unique and generous guarantee"
At the end of the first day if you don't believe what you've discovered is pure moneymaking gold or you do not want to stay for the whole event or you are disappointed in any way, for whatever reason, just discretely turn in your Secret Agent dossiers and your materials to one of our staff members. Say the code word "SPY" and you can leave with a full refund of your tuition. Plus I'll give you $250 for your first night's hotel and expenses.
(This applies only to the primary registrant)
The Underground® is truly different:
Now in case you're thinking this is another thinly veiled "product-dump" seminar -- you're barking up the wrong tree!
It would be impossible!
You see, each of the presenters don't sell 'how to make money' information. That is NOT their business!
There's no possible way this could turn into a "pitch fest" because frankly, many of them don't even have a product to pitch nor do they have an ulterior motive.
You're going to get pure gold without any of the fluff or filler.
Fair disclosure: Some of the presenters, at my urging and coaxing, are in the process of creating resources and tools because of their unique approach since there is nothing else out there like it.
Translation: Yes, there will be some value-added resources that I fully support. In fact, I'm a firm believer in continuing education and I personally spend over $50,000.00 annually on my own education. (But trust me, the information presented is anything but a "tease" for a more expensive program so you can even leave your wallet at home if you like.)
Now on the other hand, don't expect a carefully scripted or polished speech. Look, they're simply going to give you the straight, unvarnished truth without a 'dog and pony' show.
In fact, several of the presenters have already warned me that they will need to turn off the cameras and the microphones so they can reveal 'off-the-record' information that they don't want to have recorded.
The Rogue Agents I am bringing to UG8 are hand-selected by very strict criteria:
The Rogue Agents I am bringing to UG8 are hand-selected by very strict criteria:
Part of my agreement with the presenters is that their information is only going to go out to a small, exclusive group of attendees.
Before tickets have even officially become available close to 2/3 of the spots have been pre-reserved by previous attendees.
While other events struggle to fill their room -- the Underground® has been sold-out for the last 7 years, weeks ahead of the event because it delivers something unique and different.
Don't wait and kick yourself for missing this one-time event. Some presenters ask for the cameras to be turned off so the only way to get ALL their information is to be there.
This particular event is positively NOT for everybody.
It is FOR YOU if are already doing something online in one way or another. If that's the case, then I can promise you the new information revealed here will be responsible for at least an extra six-figure revenue stream or addition to your business. It's an absolute no-brainer and shoo-in! (Unless you course, you have a 'know-it-all', 'seen-it-all' attitude. Or you like to whine and complain to get negative attention. In that case - do NOT show up.)
Now it is also FOR YOU if you are an Internet newbie but very, very serious about building a profitable business online. This is a golden opportunity to be provided with a true shortcut and roadmap from multiple sources who have all "done it".
Also, at my last six sold-out Underground® events, all sorts of offline and online 'celebrity' marketers have shown up and all of them attended on their own dime for one simple reason -- to hear what these "Real World" Underground successes are doing online.
Plus, this unique event's premise is so exciting that even Dan Kennedy showed up as an attendee (not a speaker).
Plus, attendees came from the far reaches of the globe. They came in from the UK, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Austria, Sweden, Romania and even Japan, India and Australia.
I thought about this for a long time. I asked myself what would be a fair price for 3 days with true Internet millionaires and other 6-figure online earners? Collectively and conservatively, the group I've assembled brings in over tens of millions a year.
If you could pick up just a fraction of a fraction of this knowledge -- what would that be worth to you?
Actually the lowest number my colleagues, who attended previously, suggested I charge was $10,000. And yes I could charge and get this amount -- but then it would limit this information to people who are already doing well online.
But I've decided to put this at a more reasonable level of $3,495 (including all taxes). And there is a very generous payment plan if you prefer that.
At this price it separates the pack from "wannabes". Still, I understand it might be a stretch for some of you -- so as an added incentive I'm willing to give you a significant Super Early-Bird discount to reward you for making a quick decision"
When you sign-up before November 15th I'll let you attend for only $1995 -- that's a full $1500.00 discount for your quick response.
If you'd like to bring a guest they are $995 but they have to be a spouse/significant other, child, employee or business partner (tax forms will be required to prove relationship). And only one guest is allowed.
After the discount deadline we will raise the price to $3,495 if there are any seats left. So if you delay the price will only keep going up and you risk being shut out completely.
(Don't forget we completely SOLD-OUT 6 weeks early last year and have sold-out every year for 6 years straight!)
Quite frankly, it will cost you a LOT more to NOT attend... All the secrets, tips, techniques, systems and amazing contacts that you will miss out on are absolutely priceless.
Click Here To Sign Up for Underground® Online Seminar 8
And Take Advantage Of The Early Bird Special!
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