Feb 28th – March 2nd, 2013 – You're invited to the most shocking and profitable private Internet marketing gathering ever arranged…
An All-NEW Group of Elusive and Ultra-Secretive 'UNDERGROUND' Internet Insiders – Have Finally Agreed To Pull Back The Curtain and Reveal Exactly How They Are Quietly Making Their Fortunes Online…
And How YOU Can Too!”
You've Probably Never Heard About These 'Under-The-Radar' Successes Banking Mega Bucks Online! (And they would have been happy to keep it that way too – until I figured out a shocking and unexpected way to hold them hostage and let you “SPY” on their businesses!)
Announcing The Underground Online Seminar® 9
The following document contains highly classified intelligence regarding the 2013 Underground® Online Seminar.
From: Agency Directors: Yanik Silver & AJ Roberts
Location: Secret Headquarters
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to join our under-the-radar marketing agents for 3 days of intense tactical training in capturing Internet profits and covert marketplace domination.
The Underground Online Seminar® provides high-level Internet marketing information from real-world, in-the-trenches speakers quietly making their fortunes online. Topics will include selling content, eCommerce, SEO, email marketing, blogging, social media, CPA networks, domaining, mobile marketing and much more.
Just check out the highlights from last year's event…
The content and unique experience delivered year after year, paired with top-notch attendees and previous presenters like Tim Ferriss, Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com, Mike Faith, CEO of Headsets.com (a $30M company), Darren Rowse, ProBlogger.com, Matt Mickiewicz, 99designs.com, Gary Vaynerchuk, Ted Leonsis, AOL Internet pioneer, Jessica Jackley, co-founder of Kiva.org and Bob Parsons, CEO of GoDaddy.com, among others, have contributed to making Underground® the 'Can't Miss' industry event.
Each year, Underground® attracts 500+ serious online entrepreneurs coming from all over the globe – more than half of these people consist of real online power playerswith 6, 7 and 8-figure+ businesses. Forget about the pitch-fests you may have attended previously. These people come because the Underground® has become the top event for learning, networking and deal-making.
The Underground® Online Seminar Is
Not Your Typical Internet Marketing Seminar
The speakers we recruit are NOT the typical info-marketers you'll find peddling their wares on the annual seminar circuit.
No, the guys and gals that hit the stage at Underground® are the under-the-radar superstars of Internet marketing.
They're typically hidden away behind businesses you've never heard of, quietly making their millions using everything from:
- Dead-simple, cost-effective but UNKNOWN marketing tricks that, thanks to their extensive testing capabilities, have put them on the leading edge of their markets, to…
- Highly sophisticated marketing strategies, sales funnels, traffic secrets and money making blueprints that the rest of the world has NO CLUE even exist yet!
These Internet “mystery men and women” don't go around looking for publicity! They don't advertise their accomplishments because they don't need to nor do they want to. And they would be quite content remaining in the shadows and making their money “in the dark”, while keeping their mouths shut and their secrets very close to the vest.
At first glance, you would never imagine how successful they are and you probably couldn't pick them out of a crowd. (Truth is, we've found it's usually the quiet, unassuming people who you least expect are the ones actually making a ton of dough – not the ones shouting it from the rooftops.)
Now since we're on the “inside” of the Internet marketing world we've been privy to meet many of these true “Underground®” online success stories that are NOT in the “make money online niche”. After some serious arm twisting, we've arranged for these elusive Internet millionaires to appear at Underground® ONE TIME ONLY for a complete “debriefing” for you at an undisclosed location just outside the “spy capital” of the world, Washington, DC
How This All Came About
It all started just over nine years ago, when my friend Dave and I were sitting in a hotel bar having a drink after a conference. Dave was telling me about a recent seminar he attended and how disappointed he was, “It was a total product dump! I don't know if I even got 10 minutes of content.”
“Listen, I realize the speakers sell their product at the end of their presentation”, he continued,
“But I'm not going to be pitched for one hour straight. It's ridiculous! And the crazy thing is nearly every one of the speakers has never sold anything else online except how to make money online' products. I mean come on!…”
Well, I had to agree with him. He was right.
Then Dave started up again, “You know what I'd like to see?”
“What?” I replied leaning forward in my chair.
“I want to see real people who are making money online…just like I am. People actually doing it not just talking about it. Dude, you got the connections. I think your customers would love this. You need to do this and I'll even volunteer to be your first speaker.”
Hmmm…that got me thinking.
Dave was doing well online. He was making six-figures inside his first tiny little niche and also starting to do well with golfers and other niches he's identified. He fit the part of definitely being an online success story that practically nobody had heard of.
I grabbed a pen and starting jotting down a bunch of names on my Delta boarding stub I had in my pocket. In a half hour the “Underground® Online Marketing Seminar” was born.
Now nine years and eight seminars later I am still bringing brand new top-secret Internet success stories that nobody has heard about to the stage.
Who Are These Rebels, Pioneers and Trendsetters
That Are Shaping The Next Phase Of Marketing?
These are the people who are living the internet lifestyle day in and day out. They are the ones who want to learn from each other and give back to the community that has severed them so well.
Giving you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to walk in their shoes and venture to the cutting-edge of their million-dollar businesses to:
- Learn the secrets that are lining their pockets right now…
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of HOW they're doing it in layman's terms…
- Walk away with a step-by-step blueprint of their most closely guarded secrets (that you'd be DANG hard-pressed to find published ANYWHERE!)…
…So you can confidently venture out into ANY online business, in ANY industry and apply what you've learned for a measurable increase in traffic, sales, and market share.
Yes, this is what makes Underground® so unique, with such a loyal fan base: It's our 9-year commitment to seeking out the real doers of the online marketing world.
By reaching deep into our 15+ year contact list that crosses every market space you can imagine, we're able to uncover the little-known rainmakers of online marketing
…So you finally have an opportunity to learn from the REAL marketing rebels, pioneers, and trendsetters who are shaping the next phase of online marketing.
And make no mistake: This year's stage will be filled with the widest cross-section of entrepreneurial geniuses you'll ever meet.
From niche markets you've NEVER heard of to highly competitive industries like fitness and dating, we locate “the doers.”
What Qualifies An Underground® Agent?
To hit the stage at Underground® 9, these guys must hit all the checks of my 5 point test:
- Qualification #1: They are relatively unknown people who are actually making money online, but are NOT on every “seminar circuit” peddling their wares. No theory and hype just tried and true verifiable and validated Internet success strategies.
- Qualification #2: No one making the bulk of their income by selling information on how to make money. They have to be able to actually make money from a real product or service before claiming guru status. (That means they can't be a “shovel seller”).
- Qualification #3: They have to be able to teach their methods. (Some people are terrific doers but they cannot convey their knowledge into concepts others can use and understand.)
- Qualification #4: Their methods must work and be replicable today by people who are not “super marketers” or “super geeks.”(Plus, their success can't be founded on methods that worked once 2, 3 or even 9 years ago when Internet marketing was still in its infancy.)
- Qualification #5: And finally, no B.S.! They can't blow smoke and have no substance.
It's a tall order to fulfill every year, signing a three-day line-up of truly brilliant Internet entrepreneurs who are a good match AND willing to present!
But once I explain it all to them many are even more excited about the whole thing than I am. What's more, they were really thrilled to be able to share and give something back for their success.
It really makes perfect sense.
To them, it doesn't matter about increased competition. There is plenty of business for everyone. (Truth is, there is an abundance mentality that I've seen with the most successful people I know. They aren't scared of sharing their knowledge because they know the more they give the more they get.)
Once again, I'm excited to announce that I've produced a top-rate speaker line-up so impressive that I *still* haven't decided who gets top billing…
Straight From The Trenches No B.S. Information
But on the other hand, don't expect a carefully scripted or polished speech. Look, they're simply going to give it you straight without a dog and pony show at the end.
In fact, several of the presenters have already warned me that they will need to turn off the cameras and the microphones so they can reveal off-the-record information that don't want to be recorded. Yes that does mean I will be taping this event but I definitely do NOT have plans on releasing it to the general public in its entirety.
So, if you plan on waiting for the recordings realize parts will be heavily edited and censored which means the only way to get full disclosure is to get here in person!
Plus, I'm taking another extraordinary step to make sure our guest presenters really lay their cards on the table with the…
Just to provide even more incentive for each speaker to give you their absolute best and most useable information – I've decided to really go out on a limb! You're going to vote for the speaker that gave you the most directly impactful information that you can take straight to the bank. The winner is going to be awarded Top Underground® Marketer' and get a huge plaque. Plus I'm going to put up a $10,000.00 check that goes to their favorite charity. (THEY sure don't need the money!) Now I can tell you one thing for sure – these guys and gals are super competitive. That means, they are going to go all out trying to outdo one another vying for “the crown” while you sit back and soak it all in. |
Meet The Under-The-Radar Internet Marketing Superstars Who Will Be Leading Your Tactical Training
Although many speakers are still to be added and the precise details of each speaker's presentation is still being fleshed out (And if you know anything about over-achieving entrepreneurs, you can be certain they'll be pulling the very latest test stats off their servers at midnight the night before they hit the stage.)
But here's a small glimpse at the caliber of speakers who are presenting at Underground® 9
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Ramit Sethi is the author of the New York Times bestseller, “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” and writes for over 450,000 monthly readers on his website, where he covers psychology, personal finance, and careers.Ramit's unusual combination of psychology, analytical testing, and irreverent style led Fortune Magazine to call him the “new finance guru on the block.”Ramit appears on ABC and PBS regularly, and periodically writes for the New York Times. He studied social influence and persuasion at Stanford, and previously co-founded PBworks, a Silicon Valley collaboration startup. |
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Catherine co-founded MeetMe with her brother Dave in 2005. She is responsible for some of the most important applications, including Causes and Battles. She is dedicated to making the site more engaging and building new features to make MeetMe the best place to meet new people. Catherine graduated from Georgetown University, where she majored in OPIM and marketing. Catherine has been reported on extensively by CNBC, MTV, ABC News, Fox News, CosmoGIRL, BusinessWeek, the San Francisco Chronicle, and CBS. |
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Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Stroll, a a $35 million professionally managed organization with 166 employees, that specializes in marketing educational products to consumers. His proof case is the Pimsleur Approach, a language learning program Stroll has made the second best-selling product in the market, after Rosetta Stone. Stroll has been named one of the fastest-growing companies in America by Inc. Magazine and has been recognized for five years in a row on its Inc 5000 list. |
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Stephan founded Tower Paddle Board which was pitched on ABC's Shark Tank and got Mark Cuban to invest $150,000 for a 30% equity stake, plus 1st right of refusal on funding any future business venture. After doing $250,000 in revenue in 2011, Tower is on pace to do $1.5M in 2012 and has been listed in Forbes Magazine as one of Cuban's best Shark Tank investments. Tower was also listed in Entrepreneur magazine recently as one of the top 10 success stories in the history of Shark Tank. Prior to launching the Tower brand, Stephan founded a number of leading niche eCommerce companies and helped develop the leading portal in the medical imaging industry. |
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At age 22, after being scammed for $12,000, humiliated, broken, defeated, and left with $123 to his name, Dane created a 6 figure software product in less than 12 months from nothing. He didn't come up with the idea on what to build, he didn't spend any money on development, and he didn't create the product himself. Fast forward 7 years and Dane has repeated this formula and created multiple successful products without any initial ideas, funding, or development skill. Today, Dane teaches entrepreneurs at The Foundation how to build a business backwards, even if they don't have any idea, any money, or any experience in the industry. |
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Steve Gadlin is the founder of Blewt!, creators of comedy to delight and confuse. In 2012 his project “I Want To Draw a Cat For You” also appeared on ABC's Shark Tank, and is now partially owned by billionaire Mark Cuban. In 2011 he funded a game show pilot using Kickstarter, and aired Don't Spit the Water! on a station in Chicago. He's been a finalist in the Andy Kaufman awards for three years, and can be seen on stage performing ridiculous comedy year round in Chicago. He believes there is a strong market for stupid in this world, and professes to be overflowing with it. |
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In 2001 and fresh out of college, Marcus Sheridan stumbled across his first business with two friends and began installing swimming pools out of the back of a beat-up pickup truck. 9 years later, and with the help of incredible innovations through inbound and content marketing, Sheridan's company overcame the collapse of the housing market and became one of the largest pool installers in the US and currently has the most visited swimming pool web site in the world. With such success, in late 2009, Sheridan started his sales/marketing/and personal development blog—The Sales Lion, and has since grown the brand to be synonymous with inbound and content marketing excellence.
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At age 25, Marshall was featured on the front page of The USA Today Money section, then CNN, LA Times, WIRED Magazine, and CNBC thanks to his creative use of webcam videos in the early days of Youtube. Using the knowledge he had of video branding, Marshall built a widely success International currency trading business and has recently started to help others creatively brand themselves into ‘Movie Star Entrepreneurs'. |
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Suzanne Evans, owner and founder of Suzanne Evans Coaching, LLC, is the tell-it-like-it-is, no fluff boss of business building. Ranked #225 in Inc 500 fasting growing companies for 2012 she supports, coaches, and teaches over 30,000 women enrolled in her wealth and business building programs. Having gone from secretary to surpassing the seven-figure mark herself in just over three years, she coaches, consults, and teaches entrepreneurs how do build seven figure businesses at lightening speed.This year she launched her Global Impact Project, a not for profit serving women worldwide in education, entrepreneurship, and equality. |
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Joey Coleman, As Chief Experience Composer at Design Symphony, Joey Coleman specializes in creating unique, attention-grabbing, branded customer experiences. From individual entrepreneurs/start-ups to multi-national entities, he's worked to help shape the experiences of his clients' customers into remarkable, game-changing interactions. When Hyatt Hotels, the Save Darfur Coalition, Zappos, the World Bank, and NASA wanted to enhance their brand experience – they called Joey to help them think differently about engaging their audiences/customers. Prior to founding Design Symphony, Joey's eclectic career saw him hold positions with the U.S. Secret Service, the White House, and the C.I.A. Hanging out with the spies at Underground 9 seems like an appropriate fit! |
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Frank McKinney, Real Estate Artist, 5-time International Bestselling Author, super hero meets Robin Hood, Philanthro-Capitalist, Risk-Taker, Ultramarathoner, Actor and Visionary who sees opportunities and creates markets where none existed before. A true Renaissance man with a charming flair, he is without peer in the risky world of speculative high-end real estate, shattering price records with each new project. Frank McKinney is known around the globe as a Real Estate “Artist,” and the creative force behind some of the world's finest and most magnificent mansions ever built. |
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Scott Rewick is one of the early pioneers of modern Affiliate Marketing and one of the most prolific media buyers over the last decade. Starting in 1999, Scott Co-Founded one of the earliest Affiliate Networks, Metareward, which ultimately was sold to Experian for $30M. He then went on to co-found NetBlue, which became a $100M/year Lead Generation monster. Scott then went on to found, AdEx Media with Joe Abrams (co-founder of MySpace). The company raised $8M in venture capital and did was over $23M in revenue in its first year. Currently Scott and his business partner Drew Kossoff run Cranking Media, a performance based Advertising Agency, focusing on driving high volume online media to select direct response clients. Scott uses Media-Mentors as a way to help educate and teach both the world of successful Affiliate Marketing and Media Buying. |
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Will Hamilton, After playing tennis in high school, college, and coaching “in real life,” Will decided there was a better way to teach tennis. At age 25 he built a green screen in his parents' basement with his best friend and FuzzyYellowBalls.com was born. Now the most popular instructional website in the world, Will's videos have been viewed over 42 million times on Youtube. Will now partners with professional tennis players such as the Bryan Brothers (winners of 12 Grand Slams and Olympic Gold at the 2012 London Games) to create tennis instruction. |
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Carter Graham, is a founding member of the most successful product launch team in the Online Marketing space, the Launchmen.As part of his work with the team, Carter has a spearheaded more LIVE Web Broadcasts, leading to more gross revenue than anyone else in the industry, and he has become the number one authority and go-to guy for Social Proof in the Online Marketing spaceHe has advised on and lead campaigns for some of the legends in the industry, including Andy Jenkins, Jeff Walker, Dan Kennedy, Ali Brown, and Rich Shefren just to name a few.Together with the Launchmen, Carter has been responsible for helping generate over $42 Million in revenue gross revenue in the last 3 years alone.His unique “Micro Launch” method for leveraging the power of LIVE Web Broadcasts has revolutionised the way that products are created and marketed online. |

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A lifelong entrepreneur who started his first company at age twenty one, the author is the former COO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK? and was instrumental in growing the company from $2 million to $105 million in six years. The key to his success: focus. Cameron is one of the most sought after business minds in North America. He's reached a huge global audience though his educational and inspirational presentations to groups of CEOs & entrepreneurs on five continents and seventeen countries. |
Plus We've Added These Cutting-Edge Underground Sessions
Every year since 2003, the sold-out Underground Online Seminar® has provided high-level Internet marketing information from real-world, in-the-trenches presenters quietly making their fortunes online.
But after last years success we're stepping it up again with 4 more sessions to help you get the most from your experience here:
Session #1: Underground® Technology LabIt's no secret that technology online changes like lightning and in order to keep up, you need to know where to look. That's why we bring in some of our most exciting partners to showcase the latest and greatest in cutting-edge technology, software, resources and tools for growing your online business. You'll get to see it first, ensuring a competitive advantage. Think about the competitive advantage you would have had if you'd have known about brand new SEO tools, social media resources, in-app mobile marketing or even re- targeting before anyone else. (Underground® attendees did.) |
Session #2: Social Media Spy vs. SpyJust like the famous comic strip from MAD magazine with the two spies trying to blow each other up. Well, this is a real-world version of Spy vs. Spy with different agents chosen to outwit, out-think, out-perform each other on critical Social Media subjects. You'll get their best insight and input while you watch them attempt to one up each other. ![]() |
Session #3: Underground Intel Field ReportsWe've assembled some of the best real-world experts to share even more topic specific information on what matters most right now in super laser focused 15-minute field reports'. You'll get their latest and best information straight from the trenches. ![]() |
Session #4: 007 SessionsThis could be one of the most exciting new sessions we've added yet, named for the most famous spy on the planet, agent 007! You see, some of the most accomplished and successful online entrepreneurs are those sitting out in the audience. Every year (and the number keeps growing) over 50% of the audience is making 6 or 7-figures online. (Plus, that doesn't include our Maverick1000 members who attend that each have a minimum $1M business.) Here's a stat from a previous anonymous survey we conducted of attendees: I'm always pleasantly surprised when I'm walking around and talking to attendees and they spring some incredible stats on me about their business success. That's why we've decided to pull out some of the audience members that want to share their biggest successes and ideas to compete for fun prizes and bragging rights at the event. This will be a quick-hit session with each attendee getting exactly 007 minutes to present and blow away the audience. |
Remember: You'll have COMPLETE access to speakers before and after presentations to ask questions, get clarification and enjoy further instruction.
This is NOT one of those seminars where speakers vanish into the night when they're done; these guys have agreed to stick around.
Which means you'll also enjoy…
Prime Networking and
Joint Venture Opportunities
The Underground® Seminar consistently draws an extremely high caliber of entrepreneurs which has led this event to become known as one of the best networking sessions for online entrepreneurs in the world!
In fact every year, I am shocked by how many Internet marketing geniuses and “Agents” from the last few years who have ALREADY made their fortunes online are sitting in the audience, taking notes along with everyone else.
Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of our Internet marketing buddies (who also happen to be world-class experts) will be in attendance to once again make this THE most exclusive learning, networking and ‘deal making' event of the year. (We can't guarantee who will show up this year but previous high-profile attendees were Dan Kennedy, Jonathan Mizel, Jim Edwards, Marlon Sanders, Jeff Johnson, Jeff Walker, Stephen Pierce, Bill Glazer, Perry Marshall, Rosalind Gardner, Joel Comm, Declan Dunn, Stephen Mahanney, Willie Crawford, Mike Filsaime, Russell Brunson, Michel Fortin, Michael Holland, Bart Baggett, Phil Wiley, Kevin Wilke, Andrew Fox, Brendon Burchard, and many others who came to learn & network “– not to B.S. in the hallways.)
And because we work so hard to make this a fun and open environment, I receive feedback every year from attendees who are SHOCKED by how open everyone was to talk and share ideas.
Plus the number of joint ventures that take place is absolutely staggering! I would venture to guess that millions of dollars in sales have been generated directly as a result of the joint ventures that have taken place at Underground®.
World Class Top-Secret Meeting Location
Just Outside of Washington, DC
Classified hotel information will be provided only to those who register. However, I can tell you our hotel is one of the absolute best locations.
Just a quick side-note on our location…
Washington, DC is especially nice during the Spring so you may want to tack on an extra day or two to your trip. The Nation's capital is a must-see destination for anyone. From the sprawling monuments, to the famous sites to the historical landmarks to the trendy streets of Georgetown you will find more than enough to keep you occupied.
Dates: February 28th – March 2nd, 2013
Location: Just outside of Washington DC (hotel information provided to registered attendees)
Approximately 9am – 6pm on February 28th (Evening Event – Bonus VIP dinner)
Approximately 9am – 6pm on March 1st (Evening Event – Bonus Go Glow Gadget Party)
Approximately 9am – 5pm on March 2nd
The Underground® Event Is Positively
NOT For Everybody
Although this isn't for everyone it IS for YOU if..
- You are already doing something online in one way or another.
- You are an Internet newbie but very, very serious about building a profitable business online.
- You are looking for a golden opportunity to be provided with a true shortcut and roadmap from multiple sources who have all “done it”.
- You need new and unconventional ways to get more cheap and free traffic to your website (and who doesn't?). You need to come to Underground® and learn what is working TODAY.
- You want to learn the conversion tactics from websites that are getting massive amounts of traffic (I am talking 20 to 30 times the industry average)
- You are already making good bucks on the net and are ready to take your business to the next level. You need to come to this event and talk to the entrepreneurs that are already therea nd learn exactly how they did it.
- You are watching the social networks and wondering how the heck you can make money from these dang things. You need to come to this event and meet the guys that are already capturing swarms of targeted traffic from them.
- You have never successfully bought profitable ads online and are missing out on a ton of sales.
- Google has become your nemesis, denying you the listings you need to dominate the free 'traffic giant'
Even if you have yet to make a penny online and are still kinda confused as you sift through all the BS and scams, but know deep down that if you could just get the right help' you could make it happen then you definitely need to be at this event!
What Kind Of Hefty Price Tag Should This Go For?
We thought about this for a long time. We asked what would be a fair price be for 3-days with true Internet millionaires and other real 6-figure Online earners?
Collectively and conservatively the group we've assembled brings in over $30,000,000 (yes, $30 Million) in revenue online.
If you could pick up just a fraction of a fraction of this knowledge what would that be worth to you?
Actually the lowest number our colleagues suggested was $10,000. And yes, we could charge and get this amount but then it would limit this information to people who are already doing well online.
But we've decided to put this at a more reasonable level of $3,495 (with a very generous payment plan).
At this price it separates the pack from “wannabees”.
Still, we understand it might be a stretch for some of you and as I have always been a big believer in rewarding decisive action and as an added incentive we are willing to give you a $1500 discount to reward you for making a quick decision if you register by January 18th, 2013…
Note: The price has already gone up for everyone else! If you're on THIS page it's because one of our partners cared enough about you to get you the best price possible!
Click Here To Sign Up for Underground® Online Seminar 9

Fast Action Bonus #3: Go Glow Gadget PartyIt's no surprise that some of the biggest business deals ever made at the Underground® were done so at the bar, over a few drinks. Scan the audience of any Underground® Seminar and you'll discover a roomful of “celebrity” marketers – heroes and legends who continue to define the direction of Internet marketing. And that's what makes the Underground® 9 Go Glow Gadget Party such an unusual deal-making opportunity. It's one of the FEW events – if not the ONLY event – that draws these legends together. Since Underground® tends to bring out the generous side of EVERY attendee… you can confidently and casually strike up a conversation with ANY of these men and women… because everyone there is willing to collaborate, share ideas, and get deals done. And what better way to do this while letting your hair down and having some fun. |
Now here's your chance to not only to receive an All Access Pass to the complete list of vendors, tools and resources that we use every day in our business but also have your business featured in this directory as well.
Whether you're looking for a copywriter, a webmaster, a social media manager or any other resource this directory will save you years of blood sweat and tears. And who know's it may just land you your next client!
How about a Guarantee?
Absolutely, there is a big, bold brassy one!
I'm determined to never to have an unhappy customer:
At the end of the first day if you don't believe what you've discovered is pure moneymaking gold or you do not want to stay for the whole event or you are disappointed in any way, for whatever reason, just discreetly turn in your Secret Agent dossiers and your materials to one of our staff members. Say the code word “SPY” and you can leave with a full refund of your tuition. Plus I'll give you $250 for your first night's hotel and expenses.(This applies only to the primary registrant)
Am I crazy?
I don't think so, even though this puts me on the hook for a big chunk of change. To tell you the truth I'm not worried because I know the tremendous value of the exclusive information, trade secrets and contacts being shared over these 3 days aren't available to anyone else, anywhere!
History Is ALREADY Set To Repeat Itself: Underground® is already on its way to SELLING OUT for the 9th year in a row!
Will YOU be among the disappointed?
Or, are you ready to join the roster of loyal agents who have ALREADY experienced the Underground® Seminar and applying the tactical intelligence to your own business?
Join us, won't you?
I'd love to put a face to your name (Or meet again for another brainstorming session!)
Register now, and I'll see YOU on the inside!
Click Here To Sign Up for Underground® Online Seminar 9
All the best,
Yanik Silver & AJ Roberts
Directors Y.S.S.
P.S. Use your powerful spy observation skills to look over the line-up again. Do you notice any common characteristics about these Internet entrepreneurs?
I don't think so.
There are men and women…There people from all over the country…You've got young “kids” and then other agents who won't let me reveal their age. Truly, the only thing in common is that these are regular, ordinary people who have simply figured out who to live the Internet lifestyle…just like you can (if you follow their lead).
Click Here To Sign Up for Underground® Online Seminar 9
P.P.S. This is really important! Not only is the event backed by a completely risk-free, money back guarantee…but I'm even throwing in an extra $250 for your troubles. The only way you can lose is by not getting your registration form in on time! Please don't make the mistake of waiting to ‘think this over'. Last time dozens of hopeful attendees were turned away because this event SOLD-OUT 7 weeks before the event.