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Not your typical internet marketing seminar
“The best event ever!”

“It’s one of two things I never ever, short of famine, fire or plague, ever miss” – SL
“Best group of Entrepreneurs, successful Internet Marketers and business people I’ve ever been around” – NK
“The networking, business deals and the friendship here is phenomenal” – MK
“I attend Underground every year because the people here are just amazing” – CH
“The best event I’ve ever been to” – GL
“I’ve made connections that I know are going to help me grow my business like crazy!” CH
“Really Start Making Money”

“…I think Yanik’s seminar is worth easily $75,000 to $100,000 over the next 12 months for me. You could go home Monday and start applying a couple of these things and really start making money and seeing results right away. Also, Yanik just happens to over deliver on everything that he does.”
– Phil Cadorette, Huntington, NY
“Really Specific Steps”

“The thing I found really exciting was that the speakers all gave really specific, concrete steps so I don’t have to go home and really think about it. They even shared things that nobody shares. This is fantastic. I don’t have to go and figure out how to do it. If I was someone who was wondering if I should go to this I would say to definitely go. I came from another country; I left my daughter with my mom to have her babysat, so you have to make some sacrifices. But if you want to get those results so you can have the Internet marketing lifestyle you make those sacrifices and then apply what you learn and you will be doing it, too.”
– Stacey Hylen, Australia
“No Reason Not to be Here”

“There are some people that I met here, some were presenters and some were in the audience, some I had heard about and some I had never heard of. We put together deals that I think are going to be worth at least a quarter of a million dollars…If there is someone on the fence who is trying to decide about coming here the simplest thing I can say is if you are committed to making money online, and if you are committed to finding a business model that works for you, and that actually is real critical…You have to be here because the presenters are going to be giving you tremendously valuable information, the other people that you meet with will be giving you valuable information now and in the future as those relationships continue. I can’t think of a reason not to be here.”
– Steven Sashen Creator “Scriptware” World’s best-selling screen writing software

“I got so many big ideas from this conference… I think it will initially double and triple my sales and who knows how it will grow from there…If someone was unsure about coming to this event because they were a little skeptical I would probably tell them that I know how they feel because I felt that way, too. I actually wasn’t really sure what I would come away with from this event. I thought it would be great and there would be some good marketing information and there might be some good tips that I might be able to incorporate but I wasn’t really sure that I would have one of those “A-HA” ideas that Yanik Silver talks about, but I was blown away! There were so many ideas that I can’t even go into detail here because I don’t think I have enough time…So if you are skeptical about coming here I would say just take the chance and you won’t be disappointed. ”
– Bethany Smith, Waco, TX
“10,000 ROI”

“There are some people that I met here, some were presenters and some were in the audience, some I had heard about and some I had never heard of. We put together deals that I think are going to be worth at least a quarter of a million dollars…If there is someone on the fence who is trying to decide about coming here the simplest thing I can say is if you are committed to making money online, and if you are committed to finding a business model that works for you, and that actually is real critical…You have to be here because the presenters are going to be giving you tremendously valuable information, the other people that you meet with will be giving you valuable information now and in the future as those relationships continue. I can’t think of a reason not to be here.”
– Steven Sashen Creator “Scriptware” World’s best-selling screen writing software

“Yanik, once again you over-delivered! I heard more strategies, tips, and ideas worth jumping on than ever before. It was really authentic, high quality info. I should know “– I’m an Internet marketing consultant. In just one call today, I outlined a way for my client to pick up an extra $5,000 minimum this month, based on what I heard at your seminar (and, that’s a minimum.)”
– Barbara Keddy President, Be Great! Marketing
“Idea worth $300,000-$500,000″

“The big take-away idea that I got from this conference is how to repackage the materials that I have now into a product that’s more saleable than what I have now. This idea is going to be worth somewhere in the neighborhood of, realistically $300,000 to $500,000…”
– Steve Roy
“This seminar is fantastic”

“…Knowing what we learned [here] should take us up to ten-fold in the next year if we apply some of the other principles as well…I took the course last year, took the DVDs and CDs and learned a lot, but what you have the opportunity to do once you come here, that everyone else has talked about, is to see the people who are up here live and be able to see them in the hallway. They sit down and talk to you and try to show you what you can do, how you can tweak things. This seminar is fantastic and I would buy…right now, for the next five years so I would make sure I have a seat in the front row.”
“– Jack Corn,